Marvelous - one of my sculptures selected by jury for the international exhibition of collage, assemblage and construction

Marvelous news - one of my newest sculptures "Hundred Trees" was selected by the jury of the International Exhibition of Collage, Assemblage and Construction. The exhibition is called  "Marvelous!" and is hosted by the Sebastopol Center for the Arts from January 6 to February 12, 2017. The Opening Reception is on January 6, from 6pm - 7:30pm in Sebastopol and I hope to see you there. 

The sculpture I submitted "Hundred Trees" was truly a work of assemblage and construction. Over the last several months I collected the cut-offs and small pieces of reclaimed redwood that were left over from my work, and started gluing them together. I just couldn't throw those pieces away, each of these pieces used to be part of a tree. After about six months I had a rough tree re-assembled, consisting of 374 pieces from probably hundred of trees. After lots of carving and sanding the tree re-emerged - take a look at the finished tree sculpture.
